Monday, May 14, 2007


You primp and preen, shave, brush. You dress, you polish, you spray. You spend a fortune on disgusing yourself, on hiding your smell, on changing your look, on adding bits to your body and taking other bits away. You conform, you follow, you are no less than a sheep at feeding time. Why is our appearance so damn important and why do you judge me on mine? Why are you so afraid to be just you?

Friday, May 11, 2007


Why? The past is past. What is done cannot be undone. There is nothing that cannot be repaired, fixed, mended, healed, cured, acknowledged, or ignored. Why do we waste our time with regret? Get over it or do something positive about it but don't regret something that is past. Regret a one night stand? Why? It was fun at the time. Regret the end of a relationship? Well if you regret it why does it end? Regret something you said? Explain it. Regret loosing your virginity? Get over it. Harsh amn't I?

NOTE: I had planned this before I saw a friends post but the PC at home is bust.

Monday, May 07, 2007

What is Terrible?

I am prompted by a comment I saw on a friends site. What is truly terrible? I am questioning our perceptions here. Our way of looking at what befalls us in life. Perhaps bestowed upon is a better phrase. I am also prompted by the notion of Dhunie Dé(people of God). To the best of my knowledge in the Gaelic language these are people who have Down's Syndrome.
Someone dying is terrible. Someone being crippled is terrible. Having a leg blown off in battle is terrible. Loosing a child, being raped or abused, ripped off, all of these are terrible. Many experiences we have in life are deemed awful, terrible, horrific etc;. But I wonder do we somehow reinforce the awfulness with our reaction or perception of the event?
I am not diminishing the event or gravity of it but rather questioning our perception. If we can change how we view these challenges bestowed upon us, rather than these awful things that befall us, would not the world and how we do our business in it be a different and better place?

Sunday, May 06, 2007


No one says anything but I feel completely pulled by them in opposite directions. How is this? How am I completely exhausted just by being in the same space as others?
Do you really think there in communication with the spirit world?

Thursday, May 03, 2007

The Body and Soul are One

How is it that often, our souls show up in our bodies. People who are afraid of letting go of the past, become constipated. Young man in religious life who are not cut out for celibacy almost choke when they eat and need their food cut up for them like children. He literally can't swallow his lifestyle. A man who is outwardly calm and full of vigour, spends his time scratching his head in agony and worry as a skin condition betrays his true state of mind. Well why not, a woman who is aroused gets wet, a man feeling sexual gets hard. Sad people cry. So why not these other things. I have seen them. I watch.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Undergoing Change

I have had some weird body experiences. Last night I woke up. There was a storm. I told myself it's 4 am. My finger tips tingled as the thunder rolled and bashed across the sky. My skin felt like it was peeling off and my chakras where hot, spewing energy into the atmosphere. Finally it all died down. I looked at the clock. It was 3:55am