Friday, May 11, 2007


Why? The past is past. What is done cannot be undone. There is nothing that cannot be repaired, fixed, mended, healed, cured, acknowledged, or ignored. Why do we waste our time with regret? Get over it or do something positive about it but don't regret something that is past. Regret a one night stand? Why? It was fun at the time. Regret the end of a relationship? Well if you regret it why does it end? Regret something you said? Explain it. Regret loosing your virginity? Get over it. Harsh amn't I?

NOTE: I had planned this before I saw a friends post but the PC at home is bust.


Percy said...

oh yeah... regret..
it is a deep hole that is hard to get out of, a bad habit I am trying to overcome...

Unknown said...

Regret is an awful taste, but its something that we do to justify our actions and we loathe ourselves to prevent something as stupid from happening again. Even if we cant have it happen again... :(

Yeah youre right, why waste time with regret...but loosing your virginity in a one night stand is something that takes time... youre caught up in emotions that you arent sure even exsit.

So of course like your blog title says, its stuff that you should have written down earlier, stuff that you've lived through, and I am sure have regreted and are regretful for doing so in the first place.

But I think that the only way to overcome regret is talking it out, or just like you have said, look at the positive aspects of it.

Although its rough in my case, I cant find anything right now, just shame, fear and tons of regret!

But it depends on the person and the shoes that they are in at the moment, I guess.

Your harshness is nothing, its reality, and we have to deal with it...its like youre a "friend" who has gone through shit and is just offering advice to the younger and inexperienced friend.

So thanks, want alot more if you can dish it then pretty sure I can take it.

But always remember, we are human, and regret unfortunatelly is in our nature, because we do have a conscious, and no matter how we try to fight it, we will have to judge ourselves to make ourselves better than before.

Peace! ME

Warrior said...

Hey Christina I can't find you where are you?