Monday, May 07, 2007

What is Terrible?

I am prompted by a comment I saw on a friends site. What is truly terrible? I am questioning our perceptions here. Our way of looking at what befalls us in life. Perhaps bestowed upon is a better phrase. I am also prompted by the notion of Dhunie Dé(people of God). To the best of my knowledge in the Gaelic language these are people who have Down's Syndrome.
Someone dying is terrible. Someone being crippled is terrible. Having a leg blown off in battle is terrible. Loosing a child, being raped or abused, ripped off, all of these are terrible. Many experiences we have in life are deemed awful, terrible, horrific etc;. But I wonder do we somehow reinforce the awfulness with our reaction or perception of the event?
I am not diminishing the event or gravity of it but rather questioning our perception. If we can change how we view these challenges bestowed upon us, rather than these awful things that befall us, would not the world and how we do our business in it be a different and better place?


Pamm said...

I believe so much of it is how we react to what is in front of us. We set up patterns that bring us back to those internal places.

Your example of the Down's children is a great example. We sit and watch and label. Yet some cultures, yours being one of them, recognizes something different. I once heard that one Teacher said that in Hindu minds, that Down's children are touched by God. That in their last lives they were trees, touched by an avatar. That blessing "made them" jump a number of different life forms so their intellect had not had time to develop. Or someone I know who commented somewhere that he has schizophrenia, is a cross dresser and highly sexed..while also being a highly sexed person. Native Americans, Africans, all indigenous tribes honored these people as Holy Men. We turn them out on the street, laugh and point. I truly believe so much of it is what we make it.

Blessings, my friend.

Warrior said...

Blessing and thanks to you too. You have again put me in mind of something I need to ask.... as usual..